The Glorious Originality of Your Curly Hair

The Glorious Originality of Your Curly Hair


Your curl pattern is as unique as your fingerprint. This is reason enough to embrace your curls and show them off to the world. I have done the hair of over 5,000 curly haired women and men, and I assure you that no two heads of curly hair are alike. Your curls are an expression of your individuality.

To me, curly hair is the most beautiful type of hair. I find beauty in it’s spontaneity, originality and wildness. Yet, so often do I hear my clients say “I want her curls” as they point to a photo on their phone or to some other woman in the salon. That is like saying “I want her fingerprint.” It’s impossible!

The beauty of nature is indisputable. Everybody is awed by a colorful sunset, the expanse of an ocean and the waves crashing to the shore, the sight of gigantic mountains, a flower filled valley, and the sensations of a passing stream. To me, the beauty of nature comes from its wildness. The same applies to your curly hair. Your hair is a force of nature and so it is different every day. Although many of my clients want me to “tame” their curls, I tell them it can’t be done. I can shape your curls, nourish your waves, and create a look that you will probably like more often than not. But there is no way that I am going to tame your curls.

No matter how hard you try to control your hair, something will come along to unleash the wildness of your waves. The humidity of the air, for example, or a gust of wind. Your hair has a silent bond with the natural world that can never be controlled. And I assure you, your curls are powerful. It is in the wildness of your hair that your physical being unites with your spirit. I think this is why so many woman treasure every last millimeter of it. The golden light of your soul is expressing itself through your gloriously wild hair. How lucky you are to have a physical expression of your spirit framing your face every day.